[Jlabsa_gs] *Reminder* Relaunch of GSPDA

Lorelei Carlson lorelei at jlab.org
Wed May 24 11:50:14 EDT 2023

Happening at noon TODAY in F326/327.

Lorelei Carlson
User Liaison Administrator
Jefferson Lab
From: Lorelei Carlson <lorelei at jlab.org>
Sent: Tuesday, May 23, 2023 10:53:19 AM
To: jlabsa_gs at jlab.org <jlabsa_gs at jlab.org>; jlab_postdocs at jlab.org <jlab_postdocs at jlab.org>
Subject: *Reminder* Relaunch of GSPDA

To Grad students and Postdocs,
We are hosting a special lunch seminar for all of you who are interested in networking and working on initiatives to improve your experience at JLab. This group, GSPDA (Grad Student Post Doc Assoc) will need 5 volunteers to fill the committee roles. In our first relaunch meeting, Zeke from the JLUO BOD will talk about resources at JLab and ways for the group to communicate and plan future events. We encourage anyone interested to come on May 24th 12-1pm in F324/325. We will be serving a light lunch, so please RSVP to lorelei at jlab.org by Friday, May 19th so we can plan accordingly.

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