[Jlabsa_gs] **Today** GSPDA Lunch Seminar - Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Jodi Patient patient at jlab.org
Wed Oct 18 07:38:57 EDT 2023

Thank you to all of those who responded.  See you at noon today in L102.

                    Jefferson Lab's Graduate Student and Post-Doc Association Wiki:


                                                Wednesday, October 18, 2023


                                                               12:00 - 1:00 pm

                                   "Parity experiments at JLab: past and future"

During this seminar we'll go through the basics of a parity experiment, what makes
them unique, and what kind of observables we get access to. Using this knowledge
we'll go through some of the past JLab parity experiments and finally dig into MOLLER.

                                                                 Ciprian Gal

                                                              Jefferson Lab

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