[Tensor] [EXTERNAL] Status of the Tensor JLab Experiments

Karl Slifer karl.slifer at unh.edu
Thu Aug 18 14:24:15 EDT 2022

This is a brief update that the b1(E12-13-011) and Azz (E12-13-011) experiments underwent a conditional status review at Jefferson Lab <https://hallcweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/2022_JLAB_REVIEW> earlier this month.  As a result the C1 conditions for both experiments were removed.  It is clear that we still have a lot of work to get these experiments ready, but we wanted to share this great news with the original b1 and Azz collaborations.   There is an active working group that meets regularly and zoom links will be posted to this mailing list for those who wish to stay involved.

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