[Clas12_first_exp] Meeting cancelled/Update

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Wed Feb 14 06:34:15 EST 2018

Dear all,

Today the meeting is cancelled. Our Focus will be finalizing the 
setup/conditions of the experiment.
By *Today February 14, 2018 at 16:00 we will enter CLAS12 First 
Experiment Data taking @ 5 pas*s.

Here is update on the experiment and Run Plan:

After more than 3 days of accelerator interruption we resumed production 
@ 5 pass:

  * we established good beam quality,
  * performed beam polarization measurement,
  * took data with empty target
  * adjust trigger timing (FT/Hodo, electron and hadron in CLAS)
  * CND gain adjustment
  * RICH configuration studies

Still remaining to be this morning to be completed this morning:

  * *adjustment to FTOF, PCAL/EC windows (Cole and Dan)*
  * *adjustment to LTCC (Mauri)
  * *adjustment  to the pre-scaled factors of different trigger
    (valery/Sergey), after the RC meeting

Please let me know if anything is missing

A lot of work has been going on for on the data offline/online data 
monitoring and analysis we will come back to this at our next week meeting

Best regards,


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