[Clas12_first_exp] Meeting cancelled/Update
Serguei Boiarinov
boiarino at jlab.org
Wed Feb 14 11:11:36 EST 2018
Hello Latifa,
soon (hopefully today) we'll be ready to start installing new versions of hadron
trigger components, starting from new PCAL/PCU and following by FTOF,
FTOF/PCALU geometry match, CTOF and CND. Will need beam time for that.
It will not be one time chunk, most likely several installations over
next few days, several hours each (day time !). I'll let you know
when we are ready.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Latifa Elouadrhiri" <latifa at jlab.org>
To: "clas12 first exp" <clas12_first_exp at jlab.org>, "carman" <carman at jlab.org>, "Cole Smith" <lcsmith at jlab.org>, "Valery Kubarovsky" <vpk at jlab.org>, "Maurizio Ungaro" <ungaro at jlab.org>
Sent: Wednesday, February 14, 2018 6:34:15 AM
Subject: [Clas12_first_exp] Meeting cancelled/Update
Dear all,
Today the meeting is cancelled. Our Focus will be finalizing the setup/conditions of the experiment.
By Today February 14, 2018 at 16:00 we will enter CLAS12 First Experiment Data taking @ 5 pas s .
Here is update on the experiment and Run Plan:
After more than 3 days of accelerator interruption we resumed production @ 5 pass:
* we established good beam quality,
* performed beam polarization measurement,
* took data with empty target
* adjust trigger timing (FT/Hodo, electron and hadron in CLAS)
* CND gain adjustment
* RICH configuration studies
Still remaining to be this morning to be completed this morning:
* adjustment to FTOF, PCAL/EC windows (Cole and Dan)
* adjustment to LTCC (Mauri)
* adjustment to the pre-scaled factors of different trigger (valery/Sergey), after the RC meeting
Please let me know if anything is missing
A lot of work has been going on for on the data offline/online data monitoring and analysis we will come back to this at our next week meeting
Best regards,
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