[Clas12_first_exp] Upcoming CLAS12 fall run

Eugene Pasyuk pasyuk at jlab.org
Wed Jun 6 10:37:35 EDT 2018

Dear collaborators, 

As you all know CLAS12 will resume running in August. Shift scheduling between process is ongoing. This will be a long run and all of you will be taking shifts. I would like to remind you what is required training for shift takers. 

ODH training 
Rad Worker training 
Hall B safety awareness SAF111 with hall walkthrough. 

Make you sure all of them up to date before you come to your first shift. Keep in mind that radiation training can only be done on-site. Those who did not have this training for a long time in addition to the usual computer test would need to do practical test again. If this is the case you need to schedule it in advance with RadCon. 
If you need a walkthrough it can be done only when the hall is open. 
If you have plans to visit JLab between now and August and your training is not up to date please include this in the list of things to do wile at JLab. Many of you will attend CLAS Collaboration meeting in July. Use this opportunity to get your training done if you need it. 

Feel free to contact me if you have any questions. 

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