[Clas12_first_exp] CLAS12 First experiment 06/13/18 8:30 in F224/25

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Tue Jun 12 11:51:39 EDT 2018

Dear all,

We will have our regular meeting tomorrow at 8:30. We will meet for one 
hour, there is another meeting that several of us will be attending.


  * Status of the offline reconstruction release (Veronique)
  * Status of the field maps (latifa)
  * Status of the FMT/DC reconstruction (veronique)
  * Status of the calibration based on the pre-release 5b.4.0 (all
    systems brief report)
  * Using epy exclusive reaction for detector calibration/alignment
    (Harut & Josh)
  * DNP preparations (Latifa)
  * Others


Best regards,


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