[Clas12_first_exp] No RC meeting today, status

mdefurne mdefurne at jlab.org
Sun Mar 25 13:58:42 EDT 2018

Dear all,

There will be no RC meeting today.

Yesterday in the night we received beam and took Moller run. Then we 
went to the Faraday cup, filled the target and started taking data 
around 4am.

We are currently taking data in trigger_v9_noDC (there is an optical 
link broken, preventing us to include DCs in the trigger). Sergey will 
come today to investigate the issue (Rapid access to the Hall) and also 
study the livetime which is not as high as expected.

If Sergey managed to get back DC in trigger, the plan is to take 
overnight data in the trigger 9 and trigger 10 configuration. Otherwise, 
Sergey will set up trigger_v10_noDC so that we collect data overnight to 
compare with the trigger_v9_noDC data we have collected so far.

Kind regards,


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