[Clas12_first_exp] RC meeting today at 2:30 pm

Stepan Stepanyan stepanya at jlab.org
Thu Oct 18 13:31:48 EDT 2018

Dear all,

We will have RC meeting at 2:30 pm. Location and connection instructions 
are the same.

For those who will not able to join, accelerator got everything under 
control around 10 pm last night, and since 11pm we are steadily taking 
production data. No plans for any interruptions, unless something will 
break. We will continue data taking until Monday 8am when beam studies 
are planned. For now we tentatively scheduled a mini-spin dance during 
the beam studies in order to understand more than 2 std difference 
between the measured polarization using Mott setup and the Hall-B Moller 

Regards, Stepan

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