[Clas12_first_exp] Fw: Jeopardy document OPT-IN announcement

Latifa Elouadrhiri latifa at jlab.org
Thu Jun 18 07:24:34 EDT 2020

From: bryan.mckinnon at glasgow.ac.uk <bryan.mckinnon at glasgow.ac.uk>
Sent: Thursday, June 18, 2020 7:08 AM
To: clasmbr at jlab.org <clasmbr at jlab.org>; ahmede at jlab.org <ahmede at jlab.org>; Lamiaa El Fassi <elfassi at jlab.org>; Latifa Elouadrhiri <latifa at jlab.org>; peugenio at fsu.edu <peugenio at fsu.edu>; craig.evans at unibs.it <craig.evans at unibs.it>; gleb at jlab.org <gleb at jlab.org>; Robert Fersch <fersch at jlab.org>; filippi at to.infn.it <filippi at to.infn.it>; cfogler at jlab.org <cfogler at jlab.org>; foretony at isu.edu <foretony at isu.edu>; Yulia Furletova <yulia at jlab.org>; michel.garcon at cea.fr <michel.garcon at cea.fr>; Gagik Gavalian <gavalian at jlab.org>; yeran at jlab.org <yeran at jlab.org>; ggilfoyl at richmond.edu <ggilfoyl at richmond.edu>; giovankl at jmu.edu <giovankl at jmu.edu>; Francois-Xavier Girod-Gard <fxgirod at jlab.org>; Derek.Glazier at glasgow.ac.uk <Derek.Glazier at glasgow.ac.uk>; golovach at jlab.org <golovach at jlab.org>; gothe at jlab.org <gothe at jlab.org>; Yuri Gotra <gotra at jlab.org>; griff at physics.wm.edu <griff at physics.wm.edu>; guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr <guidal at ipno.in2p3.fr>; lguo at jlab.org <lguo at jlab.org>; Vardan Gyurjyan <gurjyan at jlab.org>; kawtar at anl.gov <kawtar at anl.gov>; hayk at jlab.org <hayk at jlab.org>; charleshanretty at gmail.com <charleshanretty at gmail.com>; Nathan Harrison <nathanh at jlab.org>; hattawy at jlab.org <hattawy at jlab.org>; hauenst at jlab.org <hauenst at jlab.org>
Subject: Jeopardy document OPT-IN announcement

Dear CLAS Collaborators,

The CLAS12 RG-A Jeopardy Document for PAC48 is open for sign-up to those supportive of this cause. The opt-in will end on Sunday 21 June at 12 noon. The target is PAC48 and Latifa Elouadrhirs is the contact person.

Please login to the CLAS database https://clasweb.jlab.org/membership/phonebook.php and access the OPT-IN page.

I have applied the standard entitlements:
As a reminder, you are entitled to opt-in to the author list if [See CLAS Charter, Section XI.B and Bylaw C7]:
- You were a full or term member at the time of data taking that led to the publication.
- You are a current full member.
- You are a current term member, after successful completion of an initial probationary
- You are a limited member, and the lead authors have agreed to include you on the author list.
- You are a former full or term member who has withdrawn from the CLAS Collaboration,
but the review takes place less than six months following your departure.

If you have any administartive issues please email me (mckinnon at jlab.org). For any issues regarding the document please email Latifa (latifa at jlab.org)



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