[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] RGA Sp19 runs with adjusted CVT cuts completed

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Thu Dec 1 10:47:07 EST 2022

Dear RGA,

We have finished processing ten runs with the new CVT software and different P_T and v_z cuts in order to study what initial conditions CLAS12 would like to use as a whole for pass-2 cooking. Adjusting the cuts is important to balance physics requirements and efficiency. If you have a particularly central detector heavy analysis it would be very beneficial if you could examine how these ten runs compare to the last round of ten runs cooked with the CVT software.

New cuts:

      ptcut: "0.125"
      z0cut: “10.0"
      ptcut: "0.125"
      z0cut: “10.0”

Original files with default yaml: 

Best regards,

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