[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] Updated pass-2 release software validation runs available

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Fri Feb 10 00:07:53 EST 2023

Dear RGA,

Last week it was discovered that there was an issue with the ccdb related to the calorimeter constants that affected the sampling fraction in the RGA pass-2 validation cooking. We have recooked the data in question following the fixes. I would greatly appreciate it if any analyzers that had performed validation checks could reproduced their plots/statistics with the new data so that we can have as precise values as possible. Any other studies are welcome. There are two different directories,

1) coatjava 8.5.0, AI assisted tracking and denoising with a time stamp of February 3rd at 8:00am EST:
Runs: 6616 (5 nA)
6618, 6723 (10 nA)
6642, 6670, 6712, 6714, 6716, 6718, 6723, 6769 (50 nA)

2) coatjava 8.5.0, AI assisted tracking without denoising with a time stamp of February 3rd at 8:00am EST:
Runs: 6712, 6714, 6716, 6718, 6728 (50 nA)

Best regards,
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