[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] Updated pass-2 release software validation runs available
Daniel Carman
carman at jlab.org
Sat Feb 11 08:57:11 EST 2023
RG-A folks,
At the last few meetings focussing on pass-2 validation for RG-A, I have been showing a set of plots
for the different topologies for the K+Y final state based on the eK+ skim. As we are interested in
quick feedback on the latest pass-2 validation cooking (after the ECAL parameter fix), I am attaching
the standard set of plots that I have been showing looking at the yields in the different topologies.
Two files have been posted at https://userweb.jlab.org/~carman/pass2/:
1) pass2vpass1-ky-data.pdf - pass-2 (8.5.0) vs. pass-1 ( comparison. The increase in the yields is
similar to what I found in previous comparisons in both the forward and central detectors. The yield
increases are about 20% per charged track in this study. The yield increases are shown on the plots.
2) pass2denoise-ky-data.pdf - pass-2 (8.5.0) comparison with and without forward tracking denoising.
The increase in yields is about 5% per forward charged track turning the denoising on.
Of course, I can discuss more at upcoming meetings, but I thought it would be good to send around
my feedback.
* Dr. Daniel Carman e-mail: carman at jlab.org<mailto:carman at jlab.org>
* Staff Scientist office: (757)-269-5586
* Jefferson Laboratory web: https://userweb.jlab.org/~carman
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