[Clas12_first_exp] [EXTERNAL] RGA Fa18 physics runs available validation studies

Hayward, Timothy timothy.hayward at uconn.edu
Tue Sep 5 15:49:10 EDT 2023

Dear RGA,

I am happy to report that we have tentatively finished the final subsystem calibrations for RGA Fa18 pass-2. In the directories:


you can find about 15 runs available for interested analyzers to study in preparation for the upcoming RGA Fa18 pass-2 ready-for-cooking review. We are especially interested in a number of things:

1) This represents the first opportunity to look at outbending RGA data with the new pass-2 software.
2) The runs before 5032 (4859, 4903 and 4984 in the runs cooked here) are part of the “supplemental” inbending data that is currently listed under v1b on /cache for pass-1. These data were taken with lower DC HV settings and so have worse resolutions and in some cases slightly worse calibrations than the rest of the data. These runs should probably be analyzed separately … although maybe you’ll discover they’re adequate for your channel of interest. It could also give us a potential idea about Spring 2018 going forward as any calibrated data from that period will be more similar to this supplemental Fall 2018 data than the rest of RGA.
3) If you’re interested in luminosity scans you can use the runs: 5418 (5 nA), 5335 (40 nA), 5197 (45 nA), 5342 (50 nA), 5407 (55 nA) for inbending and 5444 (20 nA), 5442 (40 nA), 5543 (50 nA), 5595 (70 nA) for outbending. Any other runs correspond to “production runs” in the range of 40-55 nA (it’s worth noting that Spring19 had only 50 nA).

Please let me know if you have any questions,

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