[Clas12_rgb] upcoming new coatjava tag & cooking plans

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Thu Dec 5 04:35:52 EST 2019

Hi Zhiwen,
just to inform you, last week we found a bug in the reconstruction of the
CVT path length for the CND, so we have asked to Raffaella and Veronique
to have a new tagged version of coatjava that we can use for RGB
calibrations and cooking. It will also include the CD veto for charged
So be prepared to soon switch to that. With the current version it makes
no sense to attempt to calibrate the CND, as it will have the wrong path
length and will need to be redone anyway.

Also, we had come up with a plan for the calibration of the spring run, as
far as sequence of runs and subsystems to be calibrated. I think we should
adopt the same for the fall run, to minimize iterations. I understand that
for now the main point is only monitoring to check detectors performances,
so I am ok with whatever cookings you're doing :-)

The plan we had for the spring data was:
Cook 6156 (first good production run) to make FTOF and DC calib filter
Recook 10 files/run for the RF calibration
Once RF is calibrated, another 10 files/run pass to make monitors and
Establish the runs that need timing recalibration using timelines
Cook and filter these runs and calibrate (FTOF first, then recook and do

So I think we should adopt the same plan once the real production data
taking has started for the current run Ipick the first good production run
and make FTOF and DC calib first...).

Best regards and thanks a lot to both!

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