[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] Re: upcoming new coatjava tag & cooking plans

Daria Sokhan daria at jlab.org
Thu Dec 5 06:21:22 EST 2019

Hi Silvia,

I asked Zhiwen to cook a couple of runs for calibration because FTOF needed
it -- there will be adjustments to its settings as a result. This wasn't
production yet.


On Thursday, 5 December 2019, <silvia at jlab.org> wrote:
> Hi Zhiwen,
> just to inform you, last week we found a bug in the reconstruction of the
> CVT path length for the CND, so we have asked to Raffaella and Veronique
> to have a new tagged version of coatjava that we can use for RGB
> calibrations and cooking. It will also include the CD veto for charged
> particles.
> So be prepared to soon switch to that. With the current version it makes
> no sense to attempt to calibrate the CND, as it will have the wrong path
> length and will need to be redone anyway.
> Also, we had come up with a plan for the calibration of the spring run, as
> far as sequence of runs and subsystems to be calibrated. I think we should
> adopt the same for the fall run, to minimize iterations. I understand that
> for now the main point is only monitoring to check detectors performances,
> so I am ok with whatever cookings you're doing :-)
> The plan we had for the spring data was:
> Cook 6156 (first good production run) to make FTOF and DC calib filter
> →calibrate
> Recook 10 files/run for the RF calibration
> Once RF is calibrated, another 10 files/run pass to make monitors and
> timelines
> Establish the runs that need timing recalibration using timelines
> Cook and filter these runs and calibrate (FTOF first, then recook and do
> So I think we should adopt the same plan once the real production data
> taking has started for the current run Ipick the first good production run
> and make FTOF and DC calib first...).
> Best regards and thanks a lot to both!
> Silvia
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