[Clas12_rgb] [EXTERNAL] RC meeting: today @ 2pm

Daria Sokhan daria at jlab.org
Thu Dec 5 12:04:51 EST 2019

Dear all,

We'll have our usual 2pm RC meeting in the conference room on the top floor
of the counting house.

Bluejeans: https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bluejeans.com_230805731&d=DwIFaQ&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=p0fOsYOqPes7kSrF0-ldLy8UQdwZWwpYV125WHZsrFE&m=klgGdPTCw2JtyKI08HyTMeKKbW2yTlHIbSFosH4Fywc&s=3NiNSQISIzOh9mbP57Iog4icj3AkCekgBpQsIWPK-h8&e= 

Summary since yesterday:

* Last night we took data @ 30 and 40nA, which has been cooked overnight
for FTOF, CTOF and HTCC calibrations.

* During the evening, night and early morning Nick Z. took FT Hodoscope
calibration runs for gain matching and Rafo took runs for the Faraday Cup
beam blocker attenuation calibration.

* MCC is doing RF stress tests during the day shift today, which will make
our beam pretty unusable -- we're in Controlled Access, work is ongoing to
debug BOM counter and the Møller set-up.

See you all soon,
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