[Clas12_rgb] RGB meeting tomorrow at 8:30AM - agenda
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Thu Dec 12 10:40:26 EST 2019
Dear all,
tomorrow we'll have our weekly RGB meeting.
I'd like if possible to have all spokespersons to attend as we have to
discuss a crucial and urgent item (see agenda).
Time: 8:30AM JLab time. Location: JLab room F224-225. BlueJeans ID: 237353330
- Update on the ongoing run (Silvia)
- Plans for calibration cooking, spring and current dataset (Silvia and
- Low energy run for BAND (BAND guys)
***- Possible running in spring 2021 (discussion)***
Here is the email I just received from Marco, about the last agenda item.
Please think about this and be ready to share your opinion at tomorrow's
"Dear Silvia,
we received the first feedback form the Scheduling committee about our
proposal for
FY21 Acc scheduling.
As anticipated, the year will be mainly devoted to runs that did not
collect any
data (in particular nuclear targets) or only a very limited amount (eg
RG-K or HPS).
Some time has been also reserved to RG-B, considering that among the runs
already took data is the one the suffered more by the unstable Acc
In the current scheme we have 20d (10 PAC days) scheduled in FY21at 10.6
GeV for
RG-B. I understand this is not much and then Id like to have your
feedback to be
sure that such a short run will be valuable for the RG-B physics program.
In case
you think that the time allocated is too short, we can reallocate the
20ds to other
run groups setting for RG-B the highest priority for FY 23 (for FY22 we
are planning
to run NH3/D3 pol target only).
Please let me have your feedback asap and not later than the end of this week
Best regards,
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