[Clas12_rgb] daily RC update

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Thu Dec 12 19:37:12 EST 2019

Hello all,
to continue the very nice tradition that Daria started, here comes an
update on what has happened since the previous RC update.

Wednesday swing shift started with the completion of beam tuning, and then
data taking was resumed, although with several stops due to DAQ problems,
and unstable beam.

Wednesday owl had stable data taking until 5AM, when beam position got
wacky. It came back to decent at around 7AM, the instability was likely
due to calibration of the BCM for Hall C.

Thursday day shift was devoted to production data taking, but we had very
unstable and sporadic beam and a couple of DAQ crashes.

Thursday swing we took a trigger validation run at Valery's request (to
check the effect of the Q2 cut), then back to production data taking.
Stepan noticed that our FTCal asymmetry in y had increased (from ~1 to
~3.5%). We did a scan in y on the 2H01 position until we established a new
setting minimizing the asymmetry. Some DAQ problems.

I spoke with the PD, she says that it very likely that the spin dance for
Halls A and C will happen tomorrow. We'll know it at the MCC meeting and
act accordingly (access for Krister, alignment run with no field, low lumi
run, empty target run). Then we should take a Moeller run when beam
resumes, unless the spin dance confirms the current settings. Then back to
production data taking.

Best regards,

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