[Clas12_rgb] agenda for tomorrow's RGB meeting

Silvia Niccolai silvia at jlab.org
Thu Jan 24 04:57:50 EST 2019

Dear all,
tomorrow we'll have our weekly RGB meeting.
The meeting infos (time, place, BJ ID) are on the wiki:
I also posted the following tentative agenda:

- Status of hardware preparation: BAND (F. Hauenstein), target MLI foil 
(S. Stepanyan)

- Manpower on site/task sharing for the first days of the experiment (everyone)

- Trigger (B. Raydo)

- Closure of ERR recommendations (S. Niccolai)


Whoever wants to upload slides or material of all sorts to the agenda 
before the meeting is welcome to do it. If you don't manage, send it to 

And please let me know if you have any items you'd like to add to the 

See you all on Friday - the last meeting before the start of our 
experiment!! :-)

Best regards,

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