[Clas12_rgb] missing RF calibrations finalized and CND issue fixed - new pass with 6b.3.x?

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Tue Jul 30 13:07:32 EDT 2019

Hello all,
I have calibrated the RF for the 5 missing runs for which in the previous
pass the RF filters had not been made, and Pierre and I sorted out the
problem with the bunch of runs with a timing offset for the CND (it was a
run-range mismatch with respect to FTOF in CCDB).
>From my perspective, all would be ready for a 10 files/run pass with the
latest release (6b.3.0 I think?). Detector experts, please let me know in
case you disagree.
Zhiwen, would this be ok with you? Did you manage to test?
Raffaella, will there be the need to recalibrate timings? Should we cook
also the usual "calibration runs" on top of the monitoring files?
Thank you all and best regards,

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