[Clas12_rgb] missing RF calibrations finalized and CND issue fixed - new pass with 6b.3.x?

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Tue Jul 30 13:36:04 EDT 2019

Silvia and all

The latest coatjava is 6.3.1, I have many test files cooked here for 
anyone to see if there is any problem

I can start cooking 10 files/run mon now and hope to finish by the weekend


On 7/30/2019 1:07 PM, silvia at jlab.org wrote:
> Hello all,
> I have calibrated the RF for the 5 missing runs for which in the previous
> pass the RF filters had not been made, and Pierre and I sorted out the
> problem with the bunch of runs with a timing offset for the CND (it was a
> run-range mismatch with respect to FTOF in CCDB).
>  From my perspective, all would be ready for a 10 files/run pass with the
> latest release (6b.3.0 I think?). Detector experts, please let me know in
> case you disagree.
> Zhiwen, would this be ok with you? Did you manage to test?
> Raffaella, will there be the need to recalibrate timings? Should we cook
> also the usual "calibration runs" on top of the monitoring files?
> Thank you all and best regards,
> Silvia
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