[Clas12_rgb] RGB jeopardy document almost ready

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Mon May 25 09:56:10 EDT 2020

Dear all,
we are converging towards a pseudo-final version of the jeopardy document
(which is due today to the CLAS review committee).
Thanks a lot to all those who have contributed so far!

If you want to check the document, the "reading" link is:

If you want to edit, let me know and I'll send you the edit link - but I'd
like to be informed beforehand of any major modification, and also I would
like to submit before it is bedtime for me.

I haven't heard yet from any of the BAND gang: I was hoping in a little
section with your preliminary results, same as we did for DVCS, SIDIS,
Gmn, and the "other results". Let me know if you can provide this today,
otherwise we can add it while the review is ongoing.

Best regards,

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