[Clas12_rgb] test pass1 cooking for rgb 2019fall

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Tue Nov 10 14:36:32 EST 2020

Dear All

As the inclusive skim size is 40% of dst for the outbending run, we plan 
to remove it from train output.
For any one needing the inclusive skim, you can run analysis on dst 
All other 4 skims will be kept with a total 26% of dst.

Please let me know any feedback soon because I am getting close to start 
pass1 cooking.



On 10/30/2020 1:21 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> As a test of pass1 cooking for rgb 2019fall, I cooked two run 11159 and 
> 11265 with dst schema and made train output at
> /volatile/clas12/rg-b/production/recon/pass0/v24.13
> It's cooked with coatjava6.5.12 instead of coatjava6.5.8 used for 
> 2019spring pass1
> Please check cooking and train output and let me know if anything needs 
> to change.
> thanks
> Zhiwen
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