[Clas12_rgb] new version of jeopardy slides

silvia at jlab.org silvia at jlab.org
Fri Jul 5 11:03:03 EDT 2024

Dear all,
following the very useful discussion we had today during the RGB meeting
(thank you all!), I made an updated version of the PAC slides, you find
them at this link:

I'd like to ask to the SIDIS people in particular to check the highlighted
comments I have included in slides 13 and 14, about the advantages of
obtaining the remaining beam time. Please let me know if what I wrote,
inspired by the jeopardy document, is correct or not.

Jerry, when you have the updated figure for R of slide 11 (removing the
outbending data), please send it to me and I'll include it.

Best regards to all. See some of you next week in JLab :-)

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