[Clas12_rgb] pass2 started for RGB F19/W20!!!

Zhiwen Zhao zwzhao at jlab.org
Tue Jul 9 22:36:19 EDT 2024

Dear All

Some Spring2019 pass2 recon and train output were lost due to a tape 
The lists are at

I have just finished recreating them at the same location.

Please report if you see any problem as it may happen again.


On 1/31/2024 12:33 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
> Dear All
> run 011158 in Fall19 is finished also.
> Two decoded files of this run had problem and have to be recreated. The 
> bad ones were used for pass1 cooking.
> Please note that when you make comparison.
> run 11241 of Fall19 and many runs of Spring20 had missing train output.
> They are all fixed now.
> All train files are backed up on tape and pined for 60 days on cache.
> pass2 cooking is finally done.
> Zhiwen
> On 1/5/2024 4:40 PM, Zhiwen Zhao via Clas12_rgb wrote:
>> Dear All
>> The cooking went really well over the holidays.
>> Spring20 is complete and Fall19 has only one last run 011158 which 
>> needs further work.
>> So go ahead and use output files on cache directly for now, as I am 
>> not sure if all files have been backed up on tape yet.
>> Zhiwen
>> On 12/15/2023 5:14 PM, Zhiwen Zhao wrote:
>>> Dear all
>>> rgb pass2 cooking is going well.
>>> ~70% is done for 2019fall and there are train files on cache disk.
>>> Please let me know quickly if you see any problem with the files and 
>>> their content
>>> As always, refer to the file location at
>>> https://clasweb.jlab.org/wiki/index.php/Run_Group_B#tab=Software_and_Data
>>> I hope to start 2020spring cooking during the holidays and finish in 
>>> late Jan.
>>> If anyone is curious, see the cooking status at 
>>> https://clas12mon.jlab.org/rgb/status/processing/
>>> Zhiwen
>>> On 12/8/2023 9:46 AM, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb wrote:
>>>> Dear all,
>>>> the pass2 cooking of the last remaining parts of RGB has started!!
>>>> Thanks to everyone for the support!!!
>>>> Looking forward to have all our data :-)
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Silvia
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