[Clas12_rgb] change of plan for RGB meeting
silvia at jlab.org
silvia at jlab.org
Fri Mar 8 03:51:17 EST 2024
Dear all,
I realized that I had forgotten a conflicting family engagement for today,
right at the time of RGB meeting. I apologize with you all, in the end I
won't be able to run the meeting. I checked with Bryan and Adam, and they
are not available either.
If there is something urgent to be discussed, please let the mailing list
know, and maybe Stepan, Jerry, Harut or Valery could run the meeting, but
they'll need to share their own zoom link with the run group, as mine goes
through my own lab.
Otherwise, we can talk next week at the CLAS meeting.
Update on the jeopardy document: we got contributions from Timothy on
SIDIS and Adam on nDVCS - thank you both! I'll probably need to cut a bit
here and there (especially the nDVCS part, bit too long), but it is great
to have new material. I'd like to encourage the others (Gmn, J/psi, BAND)
to please include their own updates. As we said last week, we don't need
*final* results, we just have to show where the analysis stands, outline
its potential, and make the case for the need to get the beamtime to
complete the data taking.
Another update: I was asked to include background files in OSG for
spring2020, this work is in progress and hopefully finished by Monday.
Thank you very much and sorry once again for the change of plans.
Best regards,
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