[Clas12_rgb] change of plan for RGB meeting

Stepan Stepanyan stepanya at jlab.org
Fri Mar 8 08:18:18 EST 2024

Hi Silvia and all,

Looks like nothing urgent to discuss, so meeting is canceled.


> On Mar 8, 2024, at 3:51 AM, Silvia Niccolai via Clas12_rgb <clas12_rgb at jlab.org> wrote:
> Dear all,
> I realized that I had forgotten a conflicting family engagement for today,
> right at the time of RGB meeting. I apologize with you all, in the end I
> won't be able to run the meeting. I checked with Bryan and Adam, and they
> are not available either.
> If there is something urgent to be discussed, please let the mailing list
> know, and maybe Stepan, Jerry, Harut or Valery could run the meeting, but
> they'll need to share their own zoom link with the run group, as mine goes
> through my own lab.
> Otherwise, we can talk next week at the CLAS meeting.
> Update on the jeopardy document: we got contributions from Timothy on
> SIDIS and Adam on nDVCS - thank you both! I'll probably need to cut a bit
> here and there (especially the nDVCS part, bit too long), but it is great
> to have new material. I'd like to encourage the others (Gmn, J/psi, BAND)
> to please include their own updates. As we said last week, we don't need
> *final* results, we just have to show where the analysis stands, outline
> its potential, and make the case for the need to get the beamtime to
> complete the data taking.
> Another update: I was asked to include background files in OSG for
> spring2020, this work is in progress and hopefully finished by Monday.
> Thank you very much and sorry once again for the change of plans.
> Best regards,
> Silvia
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