[Cuga] 1st announcement of the SNP School 2015- A message from Nue Nakamura
Lorelei Chopard
lorelei at jlab.org
Fri Apr 17 10:51:47 EDT 2015
The 1st announcement of the SNP School 2015
*School Website:
We are pleased to announce that the SNP School 2015 will take place on
the campus of Tohoku University, Sendai from September 3rd to 5th,
This is the fourth one of a series of SNP schools, which were held in
2012, 2013 and 2014 in both Tokai (J-PARC) and Sendai (Tohoku
University). This year, the school is organized as a pre-conference
event of the 12th International Conference on Hypernuclear and Strange
Particle Physics (HYP2015) to be held at Tohoku University in Sendai
from September 7th to 12th. We encourage young scientists who intend
to participate in HYP2015 to join the SNP School 2015 as well and to
present their research activities at the young researchers’ session.
The school will have several lectures and topical talks on strangeness
nuclear physics as well as hadron physics in general, which are
expected to play central roles in the 21st centurys nuclear physics
research at accelerator facilities for hadron beams such as J-PARC
(Japan), GSI and FAIR (Germany) and for electron beams as CEBAF
at Jefferson Lab (USA), MAMI-C at Mainz University (Germany) and ELPH
at Tohoku University (Japan) etc. Lectures by leading physicists will
overview related subjects both from experiment and theory, and topical
talks on recent progress and future prospects of the fields will be
also given. In addition, the school will organize a “young
researchers’ session” to give a chance of presentations by young
We encourage you to present your research activities in this session
as well as to enjoy the lectures.
Details of the SNP School 2015 will be announced later and on the web.
Best regards,
Satoshi N. Nakamura
Chair of SNP School 2015
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