[Deeppwg] abstract for QNP2015

burkert burkert at jlab.org
Tue Jan 6 16:57:55 EST 2015

Dear Hyon-Suk,

Here are a couple suggestions on your abstract:

line 1:  "intense effort of research" => "intense research effort".

line 2-5: Make two sentences out of  this sentence: "Among other 
aspects, they ..... to the nucleon spin." For example:
"They are distinct from the well-known longitudinal parton distribution 
functions (PDFs) in that they allow us to unravel the correlations 
between longitudinal momentum fraction and the transverse spatial 
distributions of quarks inside the nucleon. Of particular interest is 
that GPDs provide access to the _orbital_ angular momentum of the quarks 
in the nucleon."
(Note that I dropped "gluons" as they are not relevant here and cannot 
be accessed with DVCS, which is the focus.)

last line: replace "..., using some of the latest fitting codes." with  
"..., in a nearly model-independent fitting procedure."

line 6: add after the reaction: eN-> eNg "in the deep inelastic scaling 
regime"  , is the most .....


On 1/5/15, 3:14 AM, Hyon-Suk Jo wrote:
> Dear all,
> best wishes for the new year!
> I would like to submit the attached abstract for the QNP2015 
> conference. Please let me know if you have any comments/suggestions.
> Thanks,
> Hyon-Suk
> This body part will be downloaded on demand.

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