[Dsg-mvt] MVT in EEL

Marc McMullen mcmullen at jlab.org
Wed Aug 23 10:19:02 EDT 2017

Hi Maxime and Guillaume,

We turned on the Argon supply yesterday, however, we do not know the 
configuration of the MVT gas distribution system. You should check the 
flow and pressure to ensure that the detector is purged properly before 
switching to the premix.

Additionally, the DSG works on multiple detector and magnet systems, so 
we may not be available for immediate requests to supply  gas or change 
the bottle. It would be prudent for you to be able to change and turn on 
the gas, particularly during non working hours (8 to 5, Monday to 
Friday). To do this you must complete pressure systems awareness 
training (SAF-130AU for users or SAF-130 for Jlab staff). SAF-130AU is 
an online course. Please discuss this with your Jlab contact so that 
your training can be properly updated after you have taken the course.

After this training is complete, we can provide hands on training to 
install a regulator on a gas bottle, and start the supply from either 
the Argon bottle or the premix.

I have copied this email to the Division Safety Officer (Ed Folts), if 
you have any questions about getting training he is an additional resource.



On 8/22/2017 8:50 PM, DEFURNE Maxime wrote:
> Hi Marc,
> Pure argon? If it is pure Argon, it is perfect. Thank you.
> I have cc m student. I am on vacation this week and attending a conference next one. So please check with my student for any question until my return.
> Did someone send you the layout of the gas panel for FT-Tracker? if not, let me know and I ll ask for it.
> Regards,
> Maxime
> ________________________________________
> De : Dsg-mvt [dsg-mvt-bounces at jlab.org] de la part de Marc McMullen [mcmullen at jlab.org]
> Envoyé : mardi 22 août 2017 23:06
> À : dsg-mvt at jlab.org
> Objet : [Dsg-mvt] MVT in EEL
> Hi Maxime,
> As you have requested, we have started flowing Argon to the MVT EEL
> cleanroom set up. The pressure is set to 2psi.
> Regards,
> --
> Marc McMullen
> Detector Support Group
> 757-269-7738
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Marc McMullen
Detector Support Group

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