[Dsg-mvt] Fwd: Preparation for the arrival of the saclay team

Brian Eng beng at jlab.org
Tue May 9 16:41:44 EDT 2017

I sent Walt this email since he needs to be kept in the loop on any changes to a rooms' configuration.

He'd also know better what space is available for setting things up and the time frame for doing so.

It could very well be that the scintillators on the table are scheduled to get moved somewhere else?

> On May 9, 2017, at 4:35 PM, George Jacobs <jacobsg at jlab.org> wrote:
> Hi Maxime,
> We are currently working on completing the pressure system requirements in order to your group to use gas. We are getting there, but not there as yet.
> I have added the group email to my response to keep everyone on the same page. 
> Do you need additional tables in the cleanroom?
> George
> -------- Forwarded Message --------
> Subject:	Preparation for the arrival of the saclay team
> Date:	Tue, 9 May 2017 15:30:08 -0400
> From:	mdefurne <mdefurne at jlab.org>
> To:	George Jacobs <jacobsg at jlab.org>
> Dear George,
> In order to start working as soon as possible when all the saclay team 
> is here, we would need:
> -Tables. There is one already in the grey room but it is not available 
> since there are big scintillators paddles on top.
> -Screwing/unscrewing machine to open the box.
> -Last but I would say most important: a bottle of Argon. As soon as we 
> open the box, we will run some tests to make sure they did not suffer 
> from the trip and there is no leak.
> Can you tell me where I can find the items of the list above? Since we 
> plan to start working on memorial day, at least to open the box and run 
> the leak test on the detectors, I would need to gather everything for 
> wednesday 24th (I have to go to washington on thursday 25th and friday 
> 26th).
> Finally, where is your office? I apologize if I did not introduce myself 
> in person yet since I arrived, I was busy between the administrative 
> paperwork to get a flat, my move-in and work.
> Best regards,
> Maxime

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