[Dsg-hallc_nps] [EXTERNAL] Re: NPS Numbering schemes

Brad Sawatzky brads at jlab.org
Wed Oct 21 16:10:01 EDT 2020

I would say yes, let's plan to name the PMTs following the scheme 2.  It
would be best to stay as consistent as possible.

-- Brad

On Tue, 20 Oct 2020, Aaron Brown wrote:

> Hi Brad,
> With regards to the numbering scheme we're using, as discussed we have
> settled on scheme 2 (see numbering schemes attachment).
> A question has come up regarding the numbering of the PMTs.
> I have attached a picture showing how the crystals are numbered, will the
> PMTs be numbered in the same manner?
> Thanks for any information you can provide.
> -- Aaron

Brad Sawatzky, PhD <brads at jlab.org>  -<>-  Jefferson Lab / Hall C / C111
Ph: 757-269-5947  -<>-  Fax: 757-269-5235  -<>- Pager: brads-page at jlab.org
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
  discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny..."   -- Isaac Asimov

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