[Dsg-hallc_nps] [EXTERNAL] NPS software status/update (DSG)

Brad Sawatzky brads at jlab.org
Tue Sep 13 15:10:13 EDT 2022

Hi Aaron, et al

Just wanted to check in on a few things.  Documentation on how to
run the software needs to be added to the wiki page here:

The 'go_XX' helper links will be updated to point at the preferred
software later.  For now, I/we need "low-level" instructions on how to
run the Phoebus software on cdaql3.

Here's the list from 

- Priority 1: Please focus on getting your HV (CAEN) and LV (MPOD)
  software up and running on cdaql3.  (We have workarounds, but running
  the final, production software is a priority.)
  - nps-hv1
  - nps-hv2
  Both crates have power and are on the network.  There are *no* HV
  cables plugged into the back and signs are posted to prevent that
  from happening.  So, you are free to point your software at those
  crates and turn HV on/off at will to test/debug.

  - nps-lv1
  That crate is also online.  I have been controlling it through a USB
  cable, which is not great.  It will be great to have the production
  software for that MPOD crate up and running so we can control the
  crate from cdaql3

- Priority 2: User-friendly control software for the LED pulser system.

- Priority 3: Thermal readout software
    * NOTE: The French team will be coming onsite to complete the
      thermocouple connections at the end of September.  We would like
      the readout software ready and running by that point.

-- Brad

Brad Sawatzky (he/him), PhD <brads at jlab.org> -<>- Jefferson Lab/SciComp/C111
Ph: 757-269-5947  -<>-  Fax: 757-269-5235  -<>- Pager: brads-page at jlab.org
The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
  discoveries, is not "Eureka!" but "That's funny..."   -- Isaac Asimov

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