[Dsg-hallc_nps] NPS chillers

Aaron Brown ambrown at jlab.org
Thu Feb 1 18:22:55 EST 2024

Hi Julie and Carlos,

Just to recap what we discussed this afternoon:

I'll add in an idle time of ~60 seconds to the thermal readout program to reduce the number of temperature scans. I'll let you know when I have the updated version of the code completed and you'll let me know when a good time is to upload the new new version. Hopefully this resolves the temperature jump issue<https://logbooks.jlab.org/entry/4223498>.
With regards to remote power cycling the Keysight mainframe daily, the easiest way to do that would be to use the network enabled power strip already installed in the SHMS hut. We just need an available Ethernet port on the nearby network switch in the hut. If there are no available ports, then the only other way to power cycle the Keysight mainframe daily would be to install LabVIEW on a computer in the counting house (this is not a great option, but is an option).

I think that's everything. Please let me know if I've forgotten something.

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