[Dsg-hallc_nps] [New Logentry] NPS Temperature recovery

ambrown at jlab.org ambrown at jlab.org
Wed Feb 7 00:00:03 EST 2024

Logentry Text:
Was contacted to remotely power cycle the Keysight mainframe as some of the temperature sensors were returning unusual values.
Remotely power cycled the mainframe and the problem was resolved; however, all 40 of the channels for multiplexer #4 returned the junk value of -990000.
This is the number returned by the mainframe when the multiplexer is not present.
I suggested that maybe the multiplexer needed to be re-seated in the mainframe (this solved a similar problem last week).
Julie made an access and removed the multiplexer and replaced it in the mainframe. This did not resolve the issue.
For now, 40 of the front crystal temperatures are unavailable. We will revisit this when the hall is open for scheduled maintenance Wednesday morning.


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