[Eicatjlab_all_personnel] [EXTERNAL] Prep Update-EIC CD-3B OPA Review
Yeck, Jim
jyeck at bnl.gov
Fri Nov 15 10:00:19 EST 2024
Dear EIC Project Team:
Here we go again! It is time to start preparations for the upcoming OPA IPR for CD-3B on January 7-9 at BNL. We received the green light from OPA to move forward with our proposed draft charge (no changes since the Kickoff Meeting) and agenda. The SCs will remain the same, but we are awaiting the names of the reviewers. The calendar holds for the Dry Runs on December 2 & 9 will be sent out in the next few days. Optional page turns for each subcommittee will be self-organized by the POCs and their admins for next week. The prep site<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__brookhavenlab.sharepoint.com_sites_eRHIC_PREP-5FOPA-5FCD-2D3B&d=DwIFAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=d0KG5O9luo0FhuYP-_C2VbpBNln9iudksZOBnX13nypLFx5Y3VKB85tQJ8VLc-jR&m=GBtsZod94s67kK71P8FmYsL5naWQ-vZdtN04gSJkKn-0OkdvIrJ_qKhPbqD2h7Cs&s=XIFGHzXdma1tcLfkDrIGdixaTOsSS4gGMJ3-Q0zAYMU&e= > is live and provides the draft agenda, PPT template, and Guidance Document. Talks should be similar to what was done for the Director's Review. Cathy Lavelle will be in contact with document owners regarding needed updates. Please review the attached Draft Agenda.
Prep Timeline:
* Nov. 13- P6 frozen (tentative)
* Week of Nov. 18 - Page Turns
* Nov 22- Cost and schedule slides from Project Controls posted to prep site
* Nov. 26 - Speakers post draft talks to the prep site
* Dec. 2 - Dry Runs
* Week of Dec. 2/9 - Pre-Meeting w/ Committee
* Dec. 2 - Site released (tentative pending pre-meeting date)
* Dec. 3 - Supporting documents posted to the prep site for PM review
* Week of Dec. 9-Practice Drill Downs
* Dec 13- Supporting docs are posted/released to the committee
* Week of Dec. 16 (tentative)-Dress Rehearsals
* Dec 17- Speakers post final talks to the prep site for QA
* Dec. 20 - Presentations are posted on the review site/ released to committee
* Dec. 23-Jan. 3-Enjoy the holidays!
* January 7-9- Review at BNL
Review POCs and Admins:
* Review Coordination-Alyssa Petrone
* Support Coordination-Caitlin Hoffman
* Plenary- Luisella Lari, Admin- Mary Ellen Thelen
* SC1 Injectors- Sergei Nagaitsev, Admin-Dana Macciola
* SC2 Collider- Christoph Montag, Admin-Christina Blas
* SC3- Global Accelerator System- Jim Fast/Katherine Wilson, Christine Fragapane/Tammy Dellaiacono
* SC4 Detector- Rolf Ent/Elke Aschenauer, Admin- Anna Mendez
* SC5 Infrastructure- Charles Folz, Admin-Kris Schoefer
* SC6 Cost & Schedule- Cathy Lavelle/Kelly Krug, Admin-Donna Rassner
* SC7 Project Management- Luisella Lari, Admin-Mary Ellen Thelen
* Answers to Questions- Jim Yeck, Admin- Caitlin Hoffman
We will continue to send regular updates as plans develop.
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