[Eicatjlab_all_personnel] [EXTERNAL] Project Controls Slides for the DOE IPR Have Been Posted

Rassner, Donna drassner at bnl.gov
Fri Nov 22 16:32:16 EST 2024

Sent on behalf of Kelly Krug

EIC Team,

The project controls slides have been posted to the CD-3B DOE Review Prep Site under the templates area...[https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__res.cdn.office.net_assets_mail_file-2Dicon_png_folder-5F16x16.png-255DProject&d=DwIFAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=d0KG5O9luo0FhuYP-_C2VbpBNln9iudksZOBnX13nypLFx5Y3VKB85tQJ8VLc-jR&m=TFureFjXYnTMJ6xb09XchOWbcLJXpdvb7e_F25XBiFDxeeApQOVe2EYSVTvF1PuU&s=wOUeQ9vf4O6SK0SI9plCsHL8RsnrNCD68LDWUjyfmkc&e=  Controls Provided Slides<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__brookhavenlab.sharepoint.com_-3Af-3A_r_sites_eRHIC_PREP-5FOPA-5FCD-2D3B_Shared-2520Documents_Templates_Project-2520Controls-2520Provided-2520Slides-3Fcsf-3D1-26web-3D1-26e-3DoMY900&d=DwIFAg&c=CJqEzB1piLOyyvZjb8YUQw&r=d0KG5O9luo0FhuYP-_C2VbpBNln9iudksZOBnX13nypLFx5Y3VKB85tQJ8VLc-jR&m=TFureFjXYnTMJ6xb09XchOWbcLJXpdvb7e_F25XBiFDxeeApQOVe2EYSVTvF1PuU&s=MbncMJ7tgbdm_WhUT5NoRkBKXKMWHKUAgTZAovabW-Y&e= >.  They are organized by CD-3A, CD-3B, and full project.

Per Luisella, use these specific slides for your talks as they match the P6 data being provided to the review team.

For All Speakers:
*                The slides have been updated with Oct 2024 month end data.
*                Please incorporate the slides into your talks...draft talks are due to prep site 11/26
For CD-3A CAMs Only:
*                Based on input from DOE, we added a new slide below the L3 Summary Schedules
o        It shows the cost and award dates from the October Baseline and October Working File
o        Below that is a text box with bullet points Luisella would like you to address during your CD-3A talks and the CD-3A Drill Downs, if you are selected
*                Please include both the summary schedule and this slide in in both talks
o        The goal is to show:
*                We are tracking the procurements regularly
*                In which step of the procurement process are you currently...(as of the dry run...and again when you post the talk to the prep site, which is due 12/17)
*                Your current estimated award date
*                It is currently populated with October month end estimated date and in red text
*                Please update with your current estimated award date and change font to black...(as of the dry run...and again when you post the talk to the prep site, which is due 12/17)
*                Challenges/Cause of Delay
*                Provide brief statement(s) of challenges experienced and reasons for delay in awarding, if applicable
*                CD-3A earned value starts at contract award
*                We want to remind the reviewers that the CD-3A baseline begins with the award of the contract
*                CD-3A earned value does not include the design or procurement steps associated with the 3A scope
Please let me know if you have any questions.

Kelly Krug | EIC Project | Project Controls Manager | kkrug at bnl.gov<mailto:jtolle at bnl.gov> | Mobile: 757-715-7613
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