[Halla_min] Minutes (4/3/2012)
John LeRose
lerose at jlab.org
Wed Apr 4 16:46:00 EDT 2012
Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html
John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting April 3, 2012
1) Run Report: Jixie Zhang
a) See link for full report
b) Reports on progress from the last week
i) Optics
ii) Production running
iii) Møller measurement
iv) More production
c) Gives day by day summary
d) List of tasks for the coming week
e) Need more shift workers! Especially owl shift
2) Whit Seay
a) Doing design work on APEX, A1n, PREX II, Tritium
b) Providing input for DVCS III
c) Reworking Compton upgrade to include suggestions from
alignment to make it more adjustable.
d) Concerned that the clean room will be down until mid-June.
Might need to have Compton and Møller parts fabricated
e) Møller:
i) Quadrupole should go to procurement this week
ii) New quad support is out to fabrication
iii) Shielding pipe is being reviewed
iv) Detector box is high priority now; want to get it to
fabrication ASAP.
3) John LeRose
a) Working on optics for 48Ca and PREX II
b) Pushing contracts for SBS things
c) 12 GeV upgrade stuff
4) Ole Hansen
a) Finished with shifts
b) Preparing for software review
c) SOLID tracking simulation
5) Jian-Ping Chen
a) Trying to adjust the run plan to accommodate the shorter
running time.
b) Organizing workshops:
i) China
ii) Here (Chiral Dynamics)
c) Polarized 3He target work continues
6) Kalyan Allada
a) Was run coordinator last week
b) Analyzing 3rd arm data (it?s a good beam diagnostic)
7) Alexandre Camsonne
a) Looking at BPM data
i) Having a problem with BPM B
ii) Affecting raster corrections
8) Bert Manzlak
a) Reminds all re the COO, ESAD, RSAD, and assorted work
control documents. You must read and sign the yellow binder
in the counting house to take shifts.
i) Additional signing is required for some of the work
control documents
b) TO training, is there more available? JP says yes.
c) Reminds all to update their SAF100, EH&S orientation. You
can do it on the web.
i) http://www.jlab.org/div_dept/train/webbasedtraining.html
d) There was a 1st aid case last week. Event happened on one
day. Person was sore the next day and went to medical
services. This is what you?re supposed to do.
9) Bob Michaels
a) Reminds all to do their property and key validations. Note
that you must also take the property refresher course to
complete the property validation.
10) Jixie Zhang adds that the optics data look pretty good
11) Jian-Ping Chen adds that he?s trying to get a study of the
polarizing magnet for a transversely polarized target underway
for SOLID.
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