[Halla_min] Minutes (4/17/2012)

John LeRose lerose at jlab.org
Thu Apr 19 14:07:40 EDT 2012

Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html

John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting April 17, 2012
1)	Run Report: James D. Maxwell
a)	See link for full report
b)	Gives summary of last week?s activities
c)	All things considered doing ?pretty well?
d)	Gives plans for the rest of the week and the run.
2)	Sirish Nanda
a)	Compton at 12 GeV:
i)	Meeting last week with several people (Brian Quinn, Kent 
Paschke, Jay Benesch?)
(1)	Issue was synchrotron radiation and its effects at 
11 GeV
(2)	Synchrotron radiation flux will be high
(3)	Can handle it in counting mode (electrons or 
(4)	Problematic in integrating mode.
(5)	Solution for integrating mode was presented
(a)	Involves modifications to the magnets
(b)	Giving it serious consideration
(c)	Won?t be part of the ?12 GeV Upgrade?
(d)	Can run in counting mode in any case
3)	Whit Seay
a)	Al and Susan are taking training
b)	Compton support drawings are ready for signoff
c)	4th Møller Quad is in procurement
d)	PR for 4th Quad power supply to be submitted today
e)	Aiming to have all 12 GeV design work done by the 2nd week in 
f)	Doing drawing work for APEX
g)	TOSCA work for SBS and SOLID
4)	Ed Folts
a)	PREX APEX preparations
b)	Supporting the experiment
c)	De-installation plan is on the schedule
5)	Doug Higinbotham
a)	Open House: we could still use a few more volunteers
b)	3rd Physicist sent to Chicago to learn Business Vernacular 
(Eugene Chudakov)
c)	Getting ready for the 2nd Q2 point for GEp
6)	Jixie Zhang
a)	Retired from Run Coordinator last week
b)	Took optics data for g2p at 1.7 GeV
c)	Plan to get optics data for GEp tonight
d)	Right Septum:
i)	Work around completed (lost another 4 wires)
ii)	Working on model and calculations for new magnet 
iii)	Worrying about bending the beam in some configurations
iv)	Doing simulations
7)	Jian-Ping Chen
a)	g2p:
i)	Nice running over the weekend
ii)	Carefully thinking about cross section measurements
(1)	Took additional calibration data
iii)	Running 1.1 GeV early is good
iv)	Working on controls to minimize magnet setting errors
b)	Finalizing workshop in China
8)	Kalyan Allada
i)	Making updates for the proposal
ii)	Running simulations
b)	Preparing for the S&T review
9)	Bogdan Wojtsekhowski
a)	SBS:
i)	Coordinate detector making progress
ii)	HCAL: working on technical details
(1)	Estimate $200k + $100k
iii)	GEn proposal (using recoil polarimetry) submitted for 
Hall A Collaboration status
(1)	Will go to PAC
(2)	GEn up to 6 GeV2 (factor of 3 better than Hall C)
b)	APEX:
i)	Making progress on finalizing the septum magnet
ii)	Main cost will be new coils for the magnet (which we 
need anyway)
c)	The A1n collaboration meeting will be May 24 and 25.
10)	John LeRose
a)	SBS:
i)	Holding off on contracts while the budget situation 
ii)	PMP was informally accepted by DOE (will almost 
certainly require some schedule revisions due to expected 
funding profiles)
b)	Optics calculations for CREX, APEX, PREX II
11)	Javier Gomez
a)	Recounts incident in Hall C. Radioactive equipment was 
removed from the Hall with the proper protocols. However, 
protocols were not properly followed when it was returned to 
the Hall. 
b)	In the end no harm was done. However, proper procedures 
should have been followed
c)	Reminds all to follow the rules to the letter.
12)	Jian-Ping Chen
a)	SOLID Collaboration meeting was held Friday and Saturday 
i)	Progress is good
ii)	Confidant can do the Director?s Review
iii)	Next collaboration meeting in 2 months
(1)	Will have a dry run for the Director?s Review
13)	Vince Sulkosky
a)	Collaboration news:
i)	The summer collaboration meeting will be June 7-8
ii)	Elections for the Hall A CC are ongoing until May 11, 
if you have not voted please do so before the deadline.

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