[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (12/18/2012)

John LeRose lerose at jlab.org
Thu Dec 20 10:55:25 EST 2012

Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html

John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting December 18, 2012
1)	Thia Keppel
a)	There was a recent RADCON issue in taking apart a detector 
in another Hall. There were unknown sealed sources in the 
detector. To prevent such occurrences in the future, be sure 
if you have any sealed sources that everyone knows about 
b)	If you are planning to work on-site over the Holidays, make 
sure you get your name on Linda?s list (cc Thia as well)
c)	The General Access RWP is available for signature (you must 
read and sign the GARWP to get onto the Accelerator site). 
See http://www.jlab.org/accel/RadCon/training.html
d)	There were multiple well attended meetings last week (Hall A 
Collaboration, Data Analysis Workshop, SOLID, etc.)
e)	Experimental Readiness paperwork has been sent to the 
spokespeople of Gmp, DVCS, and the tritium experiment.
f)	Does anyone object to pulling out the silver calorimeter? 
Consensus at the meeting was no.
g)	Next meeting is January 8
2)	Whit Seay
a)	DVCS concept for beamline shielding is finished
b)	Doing groundwork for Polarized 3He target
c)	Working on downstream shielding assembly
d)	Working with machine shop on target chamber extensions angle 
e)	Field plate drawings for Compton dipole (for Jay so he can 
do calculations)
f)	DVCS engineering
3)	Ed Folts
a)	Working on cryogenics. Still some bugs but basically 
b)	New worker, Jason Glorioso, just started this week. He?s 
doing training.
4)	John LeRose
a)	12 GeV Upgrade is looking to assign time for Hall A 
Commissioning. Their initial estimate seems very short (4 
days). Working with Javier, Sirish, and Doug to nail down 
better what it will take to do 3% polarization measurements 
and a 5E-04 energy measurements
5)	Jian-Ping Chen
a)	Gives talk on SOLID, Overview and Physics.
b)	See 


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