[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (9/25/2012)

John LeRose lerose at jlab.org
Wed Sep 26 17:28:10 EDT 2012

Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html

John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting September 25, 2012
1)	Thia Keppel
a)	Møller Collaboration meeting is this Friday (9/28)
b)	Thanks for speaker suggestions for the DNP meeting. They 
have been forwarded
c)	Senior Staff meeting:
i)	Performance appraisal process is starting. Please check 
your expired training and make sure all ?required 
training? is really required
ii)	Lab-wide we?re moving to electronic authorization for 
machine shop requisitions. Hopefully will allow better 
tracking of machine shop costs
iii)	There is now an Integrated Assessment schedule. We can 
expect a readiness review for the 1st experiments in 
April-May of 2013. There is some discussion. The process 
is not yet fully defined. The readiness review next spring 
will be more of a review of our plans to get ready.
iv)	SBS starts reporting to DOE in October. Expect to 
submit the 1st report on October 15
v)	Foreign MOU?s and travel are still difficult. Getting 
collaborators to visit may require up to 2 months to get 
all the appropriate approvals
vi)	Police are still on-site today, but won?t be tomorrow. 
The doors will remain locked until further notice.
2)	Robin Wines
a)	12 GeV: 
i)	4th quad is being mapped
ii)	Weldment for the super harp girder went to the machine 
shop today (9/25)
b)	DVCS: getting second quote on extension flange piece
c)	SBS: working on magnet assembly and assembly in the Hall
d)	Møller/SOLID/HRS modeling layout in the Hall
e)	It may be November before the Cryo Group has time to do 
detailed review of Moller Cryo Distribution System drawings
3)	Ed Folts
a)	Working on Møller infrastructure
b)	Expect to survey the Møller detector box tomorrow (9/26)
c)	Cryo work going well
d)	Compton:
i)	Walls are off the hut and modified
ii)	Magnet support fixtures are ready
4)	Bert Manzlak
a)	Contractor in the ARC building broke some fingers last week 
trying to stop a large fan with his hand. Lesson learned, 
don?t do that!
b)	Re updating required training, your supervisor can make the 
changes. Contact Bruce Ullman for help (7170)
5)	Vince Sulkosky reports on yesterday?s (9/24) GMp meeting:
a)	For his slides see link
b)	Reviews schedule (two running periods in 2014)
c)	Reviews experimental goals
d)	Reviews expected/desired systematics
e)	Different models for how to run GMp and DVCS together
f)	Gives various experimental details
g)	List of tasks and commitments
h)	Lots of work to do
6)	Albert Shahinyan introduces Milan Dukic from North Carolina 
Central University


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