[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (7/23/2013)

John LeRose lerose at jlab.org
Thu Jul 25 09:18:09 EDT 2013

Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html

John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting July 23, 2013
1)	Thia Keppel
a)	From the senior staff meeting:
i)	Vacation: we need an accurate accounting of when everyone 
on staff is planning to use their vacation time for July 
through September. Please respond quickly (today!) and as 
accurately as possible to Stephanie?s e-mail
(1)	Re mitigating exceptions to the requested use of 
vacation time, you must go through Rolf.
ii)	Budget: Still don?t know what FY14 will be like, but it 
likely will not be good.
(1)	Expect a continuing resolution
(2)	Some of 12 GeV rebaseline $28M could be expected 
to come out of OPS
iii)	Question: What are the three worst things we do to 
ourselves administratively at JLab?
(1)	Think about it and send suggestions to Thia
(2)	Not things DOE makes us do, but things we do 
internally that waste time with little or no benefit
iv)	The Blue Crab clean room will not be moved into storage
v)	Physics still has some small discretionary funds available 
to spend . Pass suggestions to Thia (things like coffee 
pots and microwave ovens)
vi)	Counting House 1st floor is now open, but expect 
intermittent AC outages
b)	Things Thia added to the facilities list:
i)	Tritium venting
ii)	ESR2 penetrations
iii)	Water and power upgrades in the Hall for SBS, APEX, 
c)	Hall A Post Doc offer is out
d)	Hall A beam dump meeting:
i)	Some things are still unresolved
ii)	Vacuum window will be changed out
iii)	Dump raster? Thia is skeptical
e)	Mont sent a letter to Richie Patterson at Cornell stating 
JLab?s desire to acquire the CLEO magnet
f)	Computer inquiries from Stephanie are to establish an 
equitable way to handle upgrades of personal computers
2)	Robin Wines
a)	12 GeV:
i)	Still working on raster system. Will have to send the 
tubes out for certification.
ii)	Compton work continues
iii)	GMp/DVCS: 
(1)	everything is done and in the process
(2)	wire target parts are in
iv)	SBS:
(1)	Trying to get the coils into procurement before 
the end of September
(2)	Working on the support structure
(3)	Reworking the acceptance layout
v)	GRINCH work continues
vi)	Polarized 3He target: moving into the new CAD system
b)	Internet in the TEDF is very slow!
3)	Ed Folts
a)	Mostly just moving
b)	Working on SBS purchases
c)	Cryo work continues
4)	Bert Manzlak
a)	If you have any kind of test setup you minimally need to 
enter it in HALIST. Further documentation (OSP, TOSP, etc. 
included as needed)
b)	1st aid incident last week. Minor scalp injury was handled 
correctly (reported to supervisor and Health Services etc.)
5)	Yang Wang gives report on HRS Gas Cherenkov PMT Testing
a)	See 

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