[Halla_min] Hall A Minutes (7/16/2013)
John LeRose
lerose at jlab.org
Thu Jul 18 10:23:16 EDT 2013
Please see: http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/minlinks.html
John J. LeRose
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
12000 Jefferson Ave.
Suite 4, MS 12H3
Newport News, Va. 23606
-------------- next part --------------
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting July 16, 2013
1) Thia Keppel
a) From the senior staff meeting:
i) Our GNA rate (overhead) will go up in FY14
ii) Rolf is trying to finalize budgets
(1) Expect questions re clarifications
iii) DOE:
(1) Capital funding is going up, but research funding
(visitors, travel, etc.) is going down
(2) Sequestration issues continue
(3) Need to invest in computing
iv) Facilities is looking at major projects for FY14. Gave
list. When asked if there was anything else, Thia added
Tritium venting
v) Tunnel AC meeting yesterday (2nd of ongoing meetings):
(1) Some ideas being worked on include:
(a) Running in the winter allows a lower LCW inlet
(b) Improving the temperature model in the tunnel
(more sophisticated)
(c) Electronics test ( find the real limits)
vi) On August 15 (and the following week or so) help is
needed to move the Hall D clean room from Blue Crab
vii) S&T visit last week went basically fine
(1) DOE Nuclear Physics seemed to be looking at
reducing OPS funding because of the rebaseline
(2) Overall they seemed pleased with the Hall A plan
to start science early
(3) They do have pressure to produce science but
budgets are tight
viii) Last Thursday HPS was reviewed at DOE. It seems
that they will stay in Hall B
ix) Keep taking vacation
x) Re the fall DNP meeting, there have been a record number
of abstracts submitted
xi) Monday July 22nd contract work in the Counting House
will be done. We can start moving back in. Should
coordinate with Walt.
b) Hall B Large Angle Calorimeter will be stored in the
forklift barn
c) Thia is drafting a letter requesting the CLEO Solenoid from
d) SOLID and Møller are going ahead
i) Møller to be reviewed at DOE in the fall as an MIA
(emphasis on science not cost and schedule)
ii) SOLID to have a Directors Review in the fall
2) Whit Seay
a) Work continues on:
ii) Polarized 3He target
iii) APEX
b) SBS:
i) floor plate spec is about done
ii) support structure design continues
3) Ed Folts
a) Moving out of the trailer
b) Working on:
i) Guards
ii) Cryo controls and hardware
iii) Welding test
c) Designing water manifold for the SBS upgrade
4) Bert Manzlak
a) Don?t forget to read and sign the revised RWP for
Accelerator site access
b) Wednesday the 17th there?s a pressure vessel awareness
training opportunity
c) No injury or illness incidences to report. Reminds all to
report all such things to your supervisor and medical
d) Electronic equipment inspections discussed
e) Laser lab is ready to move in
5) Gina Mayonado give talk on using Spin precession to determine
beam energy
a) See http://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/minutes/RC_Summaries/Gina-
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