[Halla_min] Minutes for 2-18-14

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Tue Feb 25 13:08:32 EST 2014

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: February 18, 2014
  1) Thia Keppel
     a. From Senior Staff Meeting:
	i. Timesheets need to be signed by February 28th
	ii. New videoconferencing equipment “Blue Jeans” replaces Ready Talk
	iii. VA Congress working on budget for some MEIC preparatory work, waiting to be approved
	iv. Budget has been discussed/not to halls yet
	v. FY14 looks OK, but still FY15 looks bad
     b. Hall A Collaboration
	i. Annual report on web (draft)
	ii. Check student and paper numbers please!
     c. Accelerator
	i. Met with accelerator, aiming for March 11th for beam to Hall A
	ii. 3 days pulse beam through ARC and dump
	iii. Once milestone is achieved, maybe 2 weeks more for CW beam after that
	iv. Hard cut off May 5th with other accelerator work to do before that
     d. Walk through with Walt:
	i. Working on Counting House
	ii. Making progress
  2) Robin Wines
     a. DVCS/GMp
	i. Floor plates put in shop for .25 degree markings	
	ii. Revised information given to survey
	iii. Dave Meekins updated drawings of wire target to include horizontal wire
	iv. Compton detector can should be back from machine shop Feb 18th
     b. Tritium
	i. Joyce talked to Dave Meekins
	ii. Work on hold while he gets wire target ready for this run
     c. SBS
	i. Revising the saddle coil drawings
	ii. Ready to sign off Feb 21st
	iii. Working on cost estimate of solenoids and beamline correctors
	iv. Revised magnet support structure design to utilize existing steel blocks without frame/box
	v. Analysis to be complete next week so we can get back on the fabrication drawings
	vi. Checking modifications needed to the steel blocks to make them usable
	vii. We have BNL’s field clamp, Bogdan should check dimensions to see if it can used in some way
	viii. We have assembly hardware defined waiting to see if BNL can find theirs -  not long lead items – needed in September
	ix. Continue to work on magnet water manifolds and bus bar
	x. Updating experiment layouts as we put more detail into the magnet assembly to insure no interferences 
	xi. Checking Bogdan’s Tosca simulation of the magnet
     d. SoLID
	i. Working on preCDR document and cost estimates
     e. Cerenkovs
 	i. Revised Grinch PMT drawings to include notes for vendor
	ii. Modelling BBC2 in new CAD system
     f. New CAD software
	i. Started migration of design models/assembly to new CAD system
  3) Ed Folts
     a. This week was dominated by the cryo cooldown
     b. Our warmest temp as of Friday morning (2-14-14) is 250K and the coldest is 147K
     c. We finished the target chamber window and guards
     d. Did more beam line survey work
     e. Finished the Moller quad interlocks 
     f. Calibrated cryo valves
  4) Jack Segal
     a. Joe and Chuck looked at dump resisters
     b. Argonne manifold was leaking (short down time)
  5) Steve Woods
     a. Hall C user meeting Fri/Sat (Feb 21-22, 2014)
     b. Party Friday night, all invited
     c. Please register
     d. See Erica about attendance to party 

JLab Notable Events link: https://www.jlab.org/div_dept/dir_off/oa/notable/index.html

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5703

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