[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: October 11, 2016
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Wed Oct 12 15:12:23 EDT 2016
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: October 11, 2016
1. Thia Keppel
a. Sign up for shifts!
b. Self-appraisals due Friday if possible, should be availabe now on web
c. Hall A/C Collaboration meetings will be Jan 11/12, 2017 or Jan 17-18, 2017 for Hall A and Jan
13-14, 2017 for Hall C - Save the dates and look for final announcement
2. Senior Staff meeting news (reported by Howard Fenker and Patrizia Rossi)
a. Diversity and Inclusion Training
1. 4 in Physics have not completed this yet, including from Hall C
2. Final course is 11/11. Every Tuesday and Friday
b. All-Staff photo planned for 10/24
c. 2017 calendar
1. Christmas is on Saturday so only 2 shutdown days are planned
2. Holiday calendar will be posted soon
d. Budget
1. No FY17 funds until after 10/21
2. Travel is restricted
a. Reviewers can not travel so we have to travel to Germantown to be reviewed
i. S&T
ii. SBS
b. All travel must be approved by Allison
c. Do not pay registration fees or make reservations without full TA approval. If
you do, you may not be reimbursed
e. Accelerator has DCPS issue in Arc 7
1. Hall D cannot receive beam until this is fixed
2. Hall A can get max 4-pass beam
f. The new flood gates will float if water level is high enough!
1. Being researched
2. No problems so far
g. Cynthia Keppel won the Francis Slack SESAPS award
h. Charles Perdrisat won the Bonner prize ($10K)
1. 8 proposals
2. 4 awards (3 are JLEIC related)
j. Recent Workshops
1. JLEIC large X
2. JLEIC Accelerator/Collaboration meeting
3. Whit Seay
a. SBS
i. Assembly parts for shielded beampipe are in procurement
1. Signatures needed still
ii. Modifications to the GEM frames requested by UVA have been completed. They are reviewing
the drawings now. Joyce will put them into document control and then into procurement when
they approve the changes.
i. Alan is meeting with target group to go over the shielding requirements and identify
interference with surrounding structures
ii. Will meet with Engineering group next week regarding work on the upstream beamline
i. Cornell provided the labor estimate to complete CLEO disassembly
ii. Waiting on the cost estimate. Will be provided once the rigging and shipping costs are
iii. Work continues on caster mounts which will be mounted to cryostat to roll it into the Test
4. Jessie Butler
a. Spent most of last week working on vacuum for the R-HRS and cleaning up the hall in
preparation for beam
b. Achieved good vacuum on R-HRS on Thursday and continued cleaning the hall through Monday.
c. Helped Mark Jones and Sasha get their parasitic experiment setup on the left side of the hall
d. Did all the crane work that was needed to remove and install new air conditioning in R-HRS
shield hut as well as helped Dave Meekins close up the target chamber for the pump down
e. All work for the installation has been completed, Hall is ready to run
5. Spectrometer Support Group (reported by Thia)
a. Jack continuing work on HRS-R dipole and Q2, will start without them and hope he will be
successful this week. He will need access at some point but most of the work can be done
outside of the hall.
6. Brad Sawatzky – Run Coordinator Report - see slides at
7. Steve Smith – Safety Safety Culture Survey - see slides at
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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