[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting (9-6-2016)

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Wed Sep 7 16:29:30 EDT 2016

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 6, 2016

1. Thia Keppel
    a. No Senior Staff this morning
    b. Please sign up for shifts
    c. No Hall A weekly meeting next week (9-13-16)
    d. Target group indicated that the leak was found and repaired the cryotarget

2. Robin Wines
       i. Beamline support main tower awarded
       ii. Detector support frame submitted to procurement
       iii. Drawing remaining parts for beam line support and assembly
    b.SoLID – CLEO magnet
       i. Working with Cornell on plan to support radiation shield
       ii. Working on method to unload cryostat and roll into Testlab

3. Jessie Butler
     a. Focused on 3 major tasks: LCW upgrade, Q1 magnet installation, and tritium duct work
     b. LCW upgrade was effected by the “shock incident” but we were able to tie the new manifold into the
        current system. Approximately 85% complete with install.
     c. Both Q1 vacuum chambers have been welded and leak checked.
     d. Installed the LQ1 and will begin making water and power connections next week.
     e. RQ1 was turned over to Jack for testing.
     f. Still progressing on Tritium duct work and are about 50% complete.
     g. Started cleaning up and adjusting the cryogenic system in preparation for the fall run.
     h. Electronics are done and DVCS collaboration has brought the crystals to the Hall but have not started
        stacking yet.

4. Jack Segal
     a. Spectrometer support group is mapping the new quad and working on dipole controls amongst other activities

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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