[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 27, 2016
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Wed Sep 28 14:14:50 EDT 2016
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: September 27, 2016
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff meeting news
i. Budget Concerns
1. DOE/Oak Ridge accounting software change, not ready until 10/21
2. Still need to prioritize payroll, so certain reqs and travel to be stopped
3. Will prioritize travel, allowing:
a. Invited plenary talks
b. Strategic (DOE Review, EIC development for instance)
c. Young scientist career development
d. Users supporting running experiments
4. Research, capital, operations can be re-colored in some circumstances, should be able to
put back
5. Continuing Resolution discussions this week
a. If the government doesn’t vote on a CR, government shut down possible, lab has never
shut down even under such circumstances
b. For now, support critical, OPS, 12 GeV, and priority capital commitments – nothing, or
little for future experiments
ii. Performance appraisals starting again
1. New criteria with diversity and inclusion
iii. LDRD poster session and new awards announcement Thursday at noon in the atrium
iv. June 2018 accelerator/experiment schedule coming (working on it), to be available by end of
v. Late 2018 is likely 4 hall operation start
vi. “Notable outcomes” from DOE PMP
1. Goal you must make, negative if you don’t
3. LCLS II project scope
4. Director in place by end of 2017
b. Hall Business
i. Please send Jessie via email requests for any fall work beyond DVCS, GMp, or CLEO work
ii. Fast publication of 12 GeV results is an increasingly high priority. Please consider
iii. Plan to attend Hall A/C Staff interviews over the next few weeks
2. Robin Wines, Engineering Report
a. SBS
i. Received Bids on GEM detector support
ii. Waiting to procure UVA GEM frames when prototype is complete
iii. Vendor making great progress on beam line support
iv. Tower should be finished in a few weeks
b. SoLID
i. Working on cost and installation estimate updates
ii. Continue plans for delivering/receiving magnet
iii. Completed drawings of needed parts for moving magnet (support for cryostat end plate
removal and support plates for lifting steel pieces)
iv. Working on design of connection piece between casters and cryostat support legs
v. Working on Tosca model of magnet with Jay Benesch
c. MOLLER experiment
i. Resolving beam line design discrepancies
ii. Supporting efforts for Director’s review
d. Tritium
i. Supporting David Meekins as needed
3. Jessie Butler, Hall Report
a. Completed pressure test of the new LCW pipes
b. LCW addition is now 100% complete
c. Survey and align and installed guards on LQ1 magnet
d. Connect water lines and power leads to LA1 power supply
e. LQ1 installation 100% complete
f. Pump down and leak check LHRS is now complete
g. Finish making vacuum and power connection on RQ1
h. Connect water and power leads to RQ1 power supply
i. RQ1 alignment complete
j. Started the RHRS pump down
k. RQ1 installation is 95% complete
l. Started Hall cleanup in preparation for the upcoming run
4. Scheduled speaker: David Meekins – Target Update
a. https://hallaweb.jlab.org/news/talks/2016/
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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