[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 2, 2017

Stephanie Tysor stysor at jlab.org
Thu May 4 11:50:10 EDT 2017

Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 2, 2017

1. Thia Keppel
   a. Eric Christy’s talk is postponed to May 16th due to symposium today
   b. Senior Staff
      i. OPA Review next week: May 10 – 11, 2017
      ii. Close to converge on a funding plan for FY17, FY18 no one knows (maybe May 22)…..looks grim
      iii. LDRD had 12 proposals come in
           1. ~ ½ Physics & Theory
           2. ~ Accelerator & Theory
      iv. Phone stipends will be stopped ~ June 1
           1. Data plans have changed
           2. Stipends might be taxable (may count as income)
           3. Still have to be on call (give personal numbers), do we need more on-call phones?
           4. Policy coming
           5. Travel phones required for overseas so embassy can reach you (personal ok)
      v. The lab will be getting a compensation and benefits audit, auditors will talk to management 
         and random people
           1. ORNL has gone through this
           2. Should get questions in advance
      vi. Internal self-assessment
           1. ERR process12/20 people responded
           2. Overall positive
           3. Clarifying Phase I, II, II
           4. Should have an outlook on accelerator performance
      vii. Bob, June 2 NSAC talk
           1. Performance since LRP, (FRIB, RHIC, JLab. & Fundamental symmetries)
           2. Need slides with results, etc. by May 15
      viii. CC5 cold box open
           1. Perhaps not so grim, it spins
           2. CC4 broke on start up last time
           3. Maybe a diagnostic failure
      ix. Sustainable operations plan in development
           1. We should prioritize reliability over gradient, but see what accelerator can do
           2. 12 Gev ending, how will we operate over next decade
   c. Hall Info
      i. Postdoc Interview Seminars coming up - Plan to attend!
           1. The first is after the Hall A weekly meeting on May 9th @ 2:00 in L102
           2. May 10th @ 1:00 in A110
           3. May 15h @ 11:00 in Auditorium

2. Robin Wines
   a. SBS
      i. Working on details of shielded beam line vertical supports, modifying beam line to 
         incorporate gate valve to isolate target
      ii. Preparing information on GMn for radiation study
      iii. Layout of HCal to try to use neutron detector base as base support
      iv. Continue on BB detector frame drawings
      v. Preparing for ERR
   b. APEX
      i. Corrector coil drawings complete, waiting to procure
      ii. Extension box support drawings complete
      iii. Septum support box drawings complete
      i. Preparing for ERR
   d. SoLID
   e. Cornell agreed to shipping steel between May and mid-July
      i. We will make arrangements
   f. Polarized 3He target
      i. Magnetic shielding walls and frame drawings near completion
      ii. Oven having seal problems, may need new oven

3. Jessie Butler
   a. Re-assembled the lower section of the target chamber
   b. Re-connected the exit beam line and brought both HRS spectrometers to 12.5 degrees
   c. Now focusing on laying out and constructing new guards to protect the leads and water 
   d. Hall clean up in preparation for tour on Friday 
   e. Supported the electricians working in the Hall to replace blown lights
   f. Spent time mounting and wiring for the new automatic valves we are putting in on helium return 

Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235

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