[Halla_min] Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 9, 2017
Stephanie Tysor
stysor at jlab.org
Fri May 12 08:19:31 EDT 2017
Minutes of Hall A Group Meeting: May 9, 2017
1. Thia Keppel
a. Senior Staff
i. Traffic and parking tickets starting again – behave!
ii. Focus groups established for web redesign
1. Science (Brad & Doug)
2. Core Functions
3. Business
iii. Stuart will sometimes randomly select ~20 people for “donuts with the Director”; 9am –
10am, Friday (5-12-17) is the first one!
iv. Sumps Drains
1. Now need to do 9 sumps from accelerator
2. Still don’t know where zinc comes from
3. All 9 of them go into ours (we’re the lowest point, some flood risk)
v. Patrizia Rossi to send 3 slides
1. For users at collaboration meeting – attached to Hall Leader talks
a. Publication policy
b. ERR matrix table
c. Work planning
vi. Funding:
1. FY17 bill was signed
a. One happy surprise……in SLI (UIM, ERSII, …..) had some wording for a CHL cold box
2. FY18 may be delayed beyond 5/22
vii. EIC Update
1. Call for EIC R&D proposals is out
b. Hall News
i. 290 HCAL modules completed by CMU (will deliver to JLab in July)
ii. Crane repairs in Hall complete, brakes to commence
iii. Postdoc Interviews starting today! They will be joint with Hall C
2. Robin Wines
a. SBS
i. Preparing for ERR
ii. Completing design drawings of beam line supports & brackets
iii. Concepts for HCal support and drawings for BB detector frame
i. Corrector magnet steel drawings
ii. PR for corrector magnet coils
i. Preparing for ERR
d. SoLID
i. Arranging transportation of steel
ii. Analysis of end cap design
e. Polarized 3He Target
i. Continue on magnetic shielding drawing package
3. Jessie Butler
a. Installed automatic return valves on the magnets’ helium circuit
b. Updated drawings for the JLab valves and rewired temp sensors on the Q3 and dipole magnets
c. Layout and label valve cables needed for valve installation
d. Used the sniffer to look for helium leaks in the Hall
e. Worked on O-rings and reassembly of the target chamber
f. Finished up drawings for dipole lead flags and turned over to designers for verification and
g. Fit test new motor and adaptor on vacuum pump to verify suitable replacement
h. Installed retractable barricade to HRS that’s needed for Tritium
i. Worked on making electronic connection boxes for the cryo system
j. Area machine shop and related OSP were inspected by machine shop assessment
k. LCW still off, waiting on parts
4. Ed Folts
a. Machine guarding review last week went well
i. Report comes out in June
Stephanie Tysor
Hall A Administrative Assistant
Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility
(office)757-269-6005 (fax)757-269-5235
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